Small and mid-sized businesses are often in need of legal help, but choose not to obtain it. This is because businesses are left in the unenviable position of either hiring a large firm with exorbitant hourly rates for their attorneys – and will be considered a “small account” which will make speaking to that attorney all the more difficult – or hiring a general practitioner who may not have any experience in the needed area and will have to “learn the law” on your company’s dime. The Kirby G. Smith Law Firm helps fill this gap in the industry by providing small and mid-size companies with legal assistance in virtually every area they will encounter in the course of doing business. We do so by using an innovative fee structure and business model that big firms with big profits aren’t interested in trying. We know that you are not a Fortune 500 company and legal fees aren’t a line-item write off for you. We generally categorize our services into these areas:
Business Formation – You will place a heavy investment of your own time and money into starting your new business – make sure it is done right. We offer “flat fee” one-time-payment services for registering your business, creating your articles of incorporation, setting a registered agent, and ensuring future compliance. Many people are surprised to see that our rates can match or beat some “do-it-yourself” services after you add in the many hidden fees these companies often charge. Trying to save money early in the process can lead to spending quite a bit more later.
Business Operations – As your business grows, you will be amazed at the various issues that come up along the way where you will want a lawyer on your side. Our firm offers both drafting and review services for employee contracts, employee handbooks, purchase and sale templates, exit agreements, and many more. We can also provide consultations when you simply need a legal opinion, at a discount if we helped form the company initially.
Business Defense – Our experience and background comes from the litigation field, so it stands to reason that we are able to handle any disputes your business may have. Be it with a customer, vendor, employee, or someone or something else, we will strive to resolve the issue by whatever means necessary. We will also work closely with your budget to determine what level of risk the business should take on during negotiations. While we have made a name for ourselves in the courtroom, we also understand that sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.
Many big corporations have no problem paying an attorney to support the company full-time. Your business may not need or be able to afford a full-time attorney, but legal problems always arise. If you fall into this situation, please contact us today.